TUE 7 - 5 - 2024
Date: Apr 30, 2018
Source: The Daily Star

Folder: Elections
Palestinians vote on aging leadership as Abbas tightens grip
Associated Press
RAMALLAH, Palestine: The top-tier leadership group of the Palestine Liberation Organization, with an average age of 70, is up for election for the first time in over two decades, when hundreds of delegates attend a West Bank convention this week. It should be a chance to revitalize the Palestinian national movement at a historic low point and start talks about potential successors to 83-year-old President Mahmoud Abbas.

Instead, some critics – even within the PLO – say Abbas is presiding over a staged event to give his increasingly authoritarian rule a veneer of legitimacy.

Abbas supporters portray the meeting of the PLO parliament as a closing of ranks behind Abbas. Here is a look at what to expect.


The PLO was founded in the mid-1960s as an umbrella for Palestinian factions. It was dominated by the Fatah movement, now headed by Abbas. After decades of armed struggle, the PLO exchanged letters of recognition with Israel in 1993, leading to the creation of the Palestinian Authority, a self-ruling government that at first ran Gaza and enclaves in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

On paper, the PLO remained the “sole legitimate representative” of all Palestinians, recognized by more than 100 countries. Yet power quickly shifted to the Palestinian Authority which, backed by foreign aid, provided services for millions of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

Meanwhile, Fatah steadily lost ground to Hamas, founded in the late 1980s. Hamas won Palestinian parliamentary elections in 2006 and drove Abbas loyalists from Gaza a year later. Today, the PLO is widely seen as an empty shell, but remains relevant as a political umbrella that could be revived. Even Hamas wants to join, but Abbas has balked, fearing another takeover.


The PLO Parliament or Palestinian National Council, will hold four days of meetings in Ramallah. Later this week, delegates elect a new PLO Executive Committee, the top decision-making body, with 18 members.

An election was last held at a PNC plenary session in 1996 in Gaza. In 2009 a smaller PNC meeting replaced six members who died or fallen ill. Fatah gets three seats, small factions get one each for a total of seven and independents get eight.

The outcome of the vote is largely preordained because of Fatah’s dominance and because the Palestinian Authority is now the PLO’s main paymaster. Delegates and their organizations depend on Abbas’ goodwill, meaning they’ll likely vote for names passed around on the convention floor.


About two-thirds of Executive Committee members are likely to be replaced, said Mohammad Ishtayyeh, an Abbas adviser.

Fatah already picked its members – Abbas, of course, and stalwarts Saeb Erekat and Azzam al-Ahmed, according to Palestinian officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because the vote has not yet taken place.

Erekat, a former negotiator with Israel, suffered a major health crisis last year. Rami Hamdallah, the prime minister of the autonomy government, is among the Abbas loyalists expected to be selected in the independent category, the officials said.

Hamas will predictably be absent. Moussa Abu Marzouk, a leading member, accused Abbas and Fatah of engaging in “unprecedented unilateralism.” The second-largest PLO faction, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is also staying away to protest the lack of broad representation.


There’s widespread apathy in the West Bank about the Fatah-run event in which aging leaders, nearly all men, make decisions behind closed doors. It’s largely perceived as irrelevant to the lives of Palestinians.

Candidates haven’t bothered to campaign, and there are no posters in the streets announcing the event.

“You cannot claim that there is a renewal process,” said Yasser Abed Rabbo, a longtime No. 2 in the PLO who was sidelined in 2015 after criticizing Abbas.

Abbas, who has had an approval rating of about one-third in recent polls, gets to shore up his legitimacy with a new Executive Committee.

He needs a two-thirds majority for major decisions, and while the outgoing group was compliant, the required majority wasn’t always assured. One member had died and others were absent at times because of illness or travel.


The PNC is meeting at a time when Hamas is raising its leadership profile with mass protests on the Gaza-Israel border. By comparison, Abbas’ long-standing strategy – statehood through U.S.-led talks with Israel – is seen as a failure. Abbas himself seems to be edging away from it. He has said little about Gaza, despite a mounting casualty toll of at least 47 Palestinians killed and more than 1,600 wounded by Israeli fire over the past month. Instead, he’s increasing financial pressure on Gaza in hopes of getting Hamas to accept his demand to return all authority to him.


The battle over who will eventually replace Abbas is likely to be fought in Fatah, not in the PLO Executive Committee. There is no clear path of succession and Abbas has refused to plan ahead, even though he’s suffered recent health scares.

The role of any Palestinian leader in a post-Abbas era is bound to shrink if peace efforts remain deadlocked.

Instead of negotiating the terms of Palestinian statehood, a successor could be busy improving schools or garbage pickup in the West Bank.

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