الأثنين ٢٥ - ١١ - ٢٠٢٤
التاريخ: أيلول ٢٨, ٢٠١٥
المصدر : The Daily Star
AP Interview: Libya says Parliament will go past deadline
Cara Anna| Associated Press
UNITED NATIONS: Libya's parliamentary leader says the elected House of Representatives will continue talks past an Oct. 20 deadline if a peace deal with the divided country's rival government isn't reached by then.

Ageila Saleh, who represents the internationally recognized government in the oil-rich but chaotic north African nation, gave no sign that an agreement was near, even though the U.N. says the final draft of a peace deal was handed to both sides in recent days. He spoke to The Associated Press on Sunday evening on the sidelines of back-to-back U.N. gatherings of world leaders.

Smugglers have exploited Libya's internal turmoil to ship thousands of desperate migrants toward Europe.

The United Nations is pressing Libya's rival governments - the other backed by Islamist militias - to form a national unity government.

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