الأربعاء ٢٧ - ١١ - ٢٠٢٤
التاريخ: آب ١٣, ٢٠١٥
المصدر : The Daily Star
Bahrain to try figure for incitement to topple govt
DUBAI: A prominent opposition figure who has just been released from jail on a royal pardon will go on trial in Bahrain this month on new charges of urging the overthrow of the government, state news agency BNA said Wednesday.

BNA did not name the accused man but Bahrain’s Akhbar al-Khaleej and Al-Wasat newspapers said it referred to Ibrahim Sharif, the former head of the secular National Democratic Action Society, or Waad.

The Advocate General said public prosecutors had referred him to the High Criminal Court on charges that also included “threats and inciting hatred against the political regime.” The trial will start on Aug. 24.

In June, Sharif was released by a royal pardon after more than four years in prison. He had been jailed for his role in the 2011 Arab Spring uprising that called for democratic reforms in the island kingdom.

He was rearrested three weeks later following a July 10 speech in which he had allegedly called for the overthrow of the government.

Bahrain has experienced sporadic unrest since 2011, when its security forces, backed by Saudi troops, ended protests calling for democracy. The opposition says the government is attempting to stifle free speech by jailing peaceful political dissidents.

“The defendant has revealed that he is still committed to his hateful and criminal activities for which he was previously convicted,” Bahrain’s Public Prosecution office said in a statement, without naming the person in question.

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